Data Items Reference

Permitted Character Sets and Formats

Character set AN


The MyBank character set AN consists of only the following characters

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
/ - ? : ( ) . , ' +

Within the individual Data Element definitions terms such as “Max 140 AN” are used. This is a short way of writing, in this case, “Between 1 and 140 characters from the AN character set”.
Note that empty Data Elements are not allowed so that the minimum length is always 1.

Character set UTF8

This is the native ISO schema character set. MyBank does not impose further restrictions.
The UTF8 character set is used for data elements such as email addresses, URLs and specific elements which allow local language names.
Within the individual Data Element definitions terms such as “Max 2048 UTF8” are used. This is a short way of writing, in this case, “Between 1 and 2048 characters from the UTF8 character set”.
Note that empty Data Elements are not allowed so that the minimum length is always 1.

Date format

All dates and date-time stamps used within the Server are ISO 8601 that MUST include an explicit time-zone indicator set to UTC and MUST conform to the following rules:



Date MUST have the form: YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”Z”
DateTime MUST have the form: YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”


  • YYYY is any valid four-digit year number (e.g. 2021)
  • MM is any valid two-digit month number (e.g. 10 which indicates October)
  • DD is any valid two-digit day number (e.g. 03 which indicates the third day of the month)
  • hh is any valid two-digit hour number (24-hour notation) in the range 00 to 23 (e.g. 10 indicates 10 a.m.)
  • mm is any valid two-digit minute number in the range 00 to 59 (e.g. 04 which indicates 4 minutes into the hour)
  • ss is any valid two-digit seconds number in the range 00 to 59 (e.g. 09 which indicates 9 seconds into the minute).Note that the number 60 is used to represent leap seconds.
  • n is any digit.

Data Items

The following table lists all the MyBank data items included within one or more APIs.
The last column of the table specifies the SCT path for the data items included within the SCT underlying the MyBank transaction and if the data item can be used for reconciliation purposes. Please take into account that no other data must be used.

ParameterDescriptionFormat / ValueSCT Path
aliasName of the Buyer Bank to be showed to the Buyer within the MyBank selection listMax 35 upper case characters from A-Z, 0-9, dot (“.”), dash (“-“) and space (“ “).
aliasLanguageSpecifies the language (ISO 639-1) of the Alias selected by the Buyer.ISO 639-1 language code
Example: it, fr, es
amountAmount of the transaction in Euro.Between 0.01 and 999999999.99/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/IntrBkSttlmAmt
This field can be used for reconciliation purpose
branchTechnical data.Must be "10000".
buyerBankBICBusiness Identifier Code (BIC) related to the Buyer’s payment account held by the Buyer Bank.8AN or 11AN character ISO codeOnly for some Payer PSPs:
buyerIBANThe International Bank Account Number of the Buyer’s payment account held by the Buyer Bank.ISO 13616 - MAX 34ANDepending on the Payer PSP, either:

buyerNameName of Buyer.Max 70UTF8Depending on the Payer PSP, either:

confirmedExecutionDateEffective date for the debit on the buyer's account.YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”
Time part will be zero.
confirmedQualifiedApplicationIDTechnical data with no business meaning for the APIs' caller
countryCountry of the Buyer BankISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code Example: IT, FR, ES
durationMillisDuration of transaction’s validity in milliseconds (Between 3 and 30 minutes, default is 15) specified by the Client calling the APIs. The durationMillis specifies the time at disposal to the Buyer to authorise the MyBank transaction. The countdown starts immediately after that the MyBank transaction is created, from the UX point of view, when the Buyer is redirected to his Home Banking environment.
Please pay attention that the durationMillis may differ from the time by which a Merchant wants to know the final status of a MyBank transaction.
Example 1:

1. The Merchant set the cart's expiration to 15 minutes (the value includes the time for the payment)
2. When the Buyer selects MyBank as payment method and leaves the Merchant's website, the remaining time is 10 minutes
3. The User lands on the Payee PSP's MyBank selection page and takes 1 minutes to search and select his Bank
4. The Payee PSP must set the durationMIllis to 9 minutes
Example 2:
5. The Merchant set the cart's expiration to 15 minutes (the value includes the time for the payment)
6. The merchant manages the choose of the Buyer Bank on his checkout page
7. When the Buyer selects MyBank, choose his Bank from the list and leaves the Merchant's website, the remaining time is 10 minutes
8. The Payee PSP must set the durationMillis to 10 minutes
Between 180000 and 1800000 (milliseconds)
endToEndIDThe application level reference of the MyBank transaction as assigned by the First Beneficiary of the funds, as it is the subject that receives the MyBank SCT from the Buyer Bank. This will be included in the SCT underlying the MyBank transaction.Max 35AN/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId/EndToEndId
This field can be used for reconciliation purpose

Note: in case a refund Credit Transfer is instructed, it also MUST contain the endToEndID of the original MyBank Transaction in the field CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId/EndToEndId.
errorCodeError Code.Max 35AN
expectedSettlementDateExpected Settlement Date of the related Sepa Credit Transfer.YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”
Time part will be zero.
flagAuthorisingUserAuthenticatedIt indicates if the Buyer has sucessfully authenticated himself on the Home Banking environmentBoolean ("0","1")
flagMobileDeviceIt indicates if the Buyer is using a mobile device.Must be set to "1" if the Buyer is using a mobile device and "0" otherwise.
It indicates if, after the Login, some reason has prevented the Buyer to see the transaction data and to proceed with the authorisation.Boolean ("0","1")
flagTransactionDataDisplayedIt indicates if the transaction data have been displayed to the Buyer.Boolean ("0","1")
flagValidationServiceURLConsumedIt indicates if the ValidationServiceURL has been retrieved.Boolean ("0","1")
idInitiatingPartyThe technical identifier attributed by PRETA.INTEGER Numeric
The value will be communicated by the Solution Manager after the onboarding phase
initiatingPartyIDThe business identifier attributed by PRETA. In some cases it may identify the Initiating Party and a further PSP that is contractualised by the Initiating Party.MAX 35AN
The value will be communicated by the Solution Manager after the onboarding phase. Depending on the presence of a further PSP, the format of the initatingPartyID is one of the following:
<InitiatingPartyCode> / <PSPCode>
This field can be used for reconciliation purpose
initiatingPartyReturnURLThe unique and per-transaction URL provided by the Merchant that is used to redirect the Buyer back to him after completing the authorisation. Note that this URL needs not necessarily point to the domain of the Merchant. The domain may belong to an intermediate party involved in the processing of MyBank transactions on behalf of the Merchant. As an example, this might occur when a payment gateway is being used by the Merchant.
Reminders (please refer to the documentation for the Payment Initiation API for more details):

- the handling of this URL must not rely on any "session";
- in case the payment flow is initiated from an App, it is recommended that the App is registered to handle this URL.
Max 512UTF8.
The URL MUST use the HTTPS URI scheme.
initiatingPartySubIDThe identifier of the Merchant as attributed by the Merchant PSP. The initiatingPartySubID is univocally bound with a merchantTradingName.Max 35AN/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtCdtr/Id/OrgId/Othr/Id
This field can be used for reconciliation purpose
instituteTechnical data.Must be "1000".
languageSpecifies the language (ISO 639-1) of the Alias selected by the Buyer.ISO 639-1 language code
Example: it, fr, es
maxOccurenceIt is the maximum number of MyBank transactions that can be generated from a specific Payment Request.Must be set to "1"
merchantBankBICBusiness Identifier Code (BIC) of the bank account of the first beneficiary of the funds. The SCT underlying the MyBank transaction is sent to this BIC.8AN or 11AN character ISO code/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAgt/FinInstnId/BIC
merchantCountryCodeThe country of the Merchant.ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Example: IT, FR, ES
merchantIBANInternational Bank Account Number (IBAN) of the bank account of the first beneficiary of the funds. The SCT underlying the MyBank transaction is sent to this IBAN.ISO 13616 - MAX 34AN/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAcct/Id/IBAN
merchantNameAs a general rule, this attribute should be set to the name of the holder of the account associated to the merchantIBAN.
To avoid any confusion for the Payer (which may lead to lower authorisation rate), it is recommended to set this attribute to the same value as the merchantTradingName.
MAX 70AN/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/Nm
This field can be used for reconciliation purpose
merchantTaxNumberClassificationA compound element containing both the country that issued the Merchant Tax Number as well as the fiscal classification of the Merchant.
This attribute must be used only if the optional feature "SCT for fiscal benefits" is requested.
CountryCode is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (2 letters) country code of the issuing country of the MerchantTaxNumberID. FiscalClassification is either “PYPE” (Physical Person) or “LEEN” (Legal Entity).
Valid examples are: IT:PYPE FR:LEEN
merchantTaxNumberIDMerchant Tax Number.
This attribute must be used only if the optional feature "SCT for fiscal benefits" is requested.
merchantTradingNameThe trading name of the Merchant as known by the Buyer.MAX 70UTF8/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtCdtr/Nm
Attention: Payer PSPs have the faculty to modify (or even omit) this value, in particular if the original value includes any non-SEPA characters
merchantWebsiteThe url of the website of the Merchant.Max 255UTF8.
orderDescriptionA free text field used by the Merchant to describe the goods being ordered by the Buyer, to assist the Buyer to recognise the transaction. The order Description must be human-readable. If the Merchant has a non-Euro account, the currency conversion must be done before calling the Payment Initiation (that requires the amount always in Euro). In this case the OrderDescription must also contain information regarding the amount conversion from the currency of the account to the Euro. The currency conversion related information that must be present are:

- Amount in account’s currency
- Exchange rate applied for currency conversion
- Any currency conversion fee or commission applied
participantIDIdentifier of the Buyer Bank as assigned by PRETA.MAX 35AN
paymentRequestIDIdentifier of the Payment Request as assigned by PRETA.uuid - 12AN
qualifiedApplicationIDTechnical data item.Must be MBNKCT01.
remittanceInformationA Merchant may specify in this attribute the unique reference to unambiguously refer the payment. This will be included in the SCT underlying the MyBank transaction.
If the Merchant is required to provide the Ultimate Beneficiary's name (that is, if the Ultimate Beneficiary is different from both merchantName and merchantTradingName), then remittanceInformation *MUST have the following format:
FB/<ultimate beneficiary name>/<other information> (e.g.: FB/John Doe/Order 123).
MAX 140AN/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/RmtInf/Ustrd
This field can be used for reconciliation purpose
requestedExecutionDateRequested date for the debit on the buyer's account.YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”Z”
routingServiceIDTechnical parameter.Must be set to "CT000245" in TEST and "CT000400" in LIVE.
settlementDateSettlement DateYYYY”-“MM”-“DD”Z”/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/GrpHdr/IntrBkSttlmDt
statusPayment Request status: ACTIVE: the Payment Request is payable, unless one of the following conditions occur:

- The validityStartDateTime is in the future. The Payment Request is not payable yet.
- There is already an ongoing MyBank transaction without a final status (transactionStatus = PENDING). The Payment Request is not payable. EXPIRED: the Payment Request is expired. The Payment Request is not payable anymore.
DISABLED: the Payment Request has been cancelled by the Payee. The Payment Request is not payable anymore.
COMPLETED: There is a MyBank transaction with transactionStatus = AUTHORISED. The Payment Request is not payable anymore.
transactionIDUnique identifier of the transaction attributed by PRETAINTEGER Numeric (max 35 digits)
transactionStatusMyBank transaction status as assigned by the Buyer Bank. Note that the Buyer Bank is the only subject allowed to assign a final status to a MyBank transaction. The possible status are:
PENDING: the initial status of a transaction. It is not a final status.
AUTHORISED: the transaction was authorised
AUTHORISINGPARTYABORTED: The Buyer refused to authorise the payment, for example, the Buyer clicked the “cancel” button in the Buyer Bank’s online banking environment or closed the browser window (if detected by the Bank). The Seller will not receive any funds for this transaction.
TIMEOUT: The Buyer did not authorise the transaction within the the durationMillis. The transaction can no longer be authorised by the Buyer. The Seller will not receive any funds for this transaction.
ERROR: An application level issue prevented the authorisation of the transaction. For example the Buyer failed to provide correct SCA during authorisation, the Buyer Bank refused the Buyer’s request for authorisation (block imposed by the Buyer Bank’s beneficiary “black list” procedures), a software issue at the Buyer Bank prevented authorisation. The Seller will not receive any funds for this transaction.
transactionStatusModifyDateDateTime of change of the transaction statusYYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”
transactionTokenIt is a unique identifier of a MyBank transaction assigned by the MyBank Gateway. It can be used instead of the transactionID due to security reasons.uuid - 12AN
transactionValidityEndEnd DateTime of the transaction's validity.YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”
transactionValidityStartStarting DateTime of the transaction.YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”
validationServiceAliasThe different names by which the Buyer identifies his bank.Max 35 upper case characters from A-Z, 0-9, dot (“.”), dash (“-“) and space (“ “).
validationServiceIDThe MyBank identifier of the Validation Service (Buyer Bank).MAX 35AN
For testing, it is recommended to set this to "CT000000" (this is the only Test Buyer Bank under the control of the Solution Manager, and thus guaranteed to be accessible at all times).
validationServiceTransactionIDIdentifier of the transaction as assigned by the Buyer Bank.MAX 35ANOnly for some Payer PSPs:
validationServiceURLThe unique and per-transaction URL provided by the Buyer Bank for the authorisation of the transaction by the Buyer. Note that this URL needs not necessarily point to the domain of the Buyer Bank. The domain may belong to an intermediate party involved in the processing of MyBank transactions.Max 512UTF8.
The URL MUST use the HTTPS URI scheme.
validityEndDateTimeTime after which it is not possible anymore to fulfil the Payment Request. The Maximum validity for a Payment Request is set to 365 days. The Payment Request Validity End can’t be in the past when the Payment Request is created.YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”
validityStartDateTimeTime from which it is possible to fulfil the Payment Request.YYYY”-“MM”-“DD”T”hh”:”mm”:”ss[“.”1*(n)]”Z”